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Coal Miners' Work Hours to Be Reduced

A circular issued by the State Council on Wednesday said coal miners' workloads will be reduced by shortening their work hours to eight per day, while maintaining their current salaries.

The document stressed the importance of improving the living conditions of workers in promoting the healthy development of the coal mine industry.

"It is such good news for the miners, who always work overtime," said Professor Yue Fubin, who has kept track of the coal industry's growth in China.

"Most Chinese miners work in hundred meter-deep collieries where it usually takes one hour to go down the coal bed," said Yue. "Therefore, if they dig coal for eight hours each day, they spend at least ten hours underground, plus they need to get changed and take showers after getting out of the mines."

The circular said the actual digging hours for miners should be limited to six. By adding one work shift to the current three-shift system, the company could still have mines working round the clock.

Source: Xinhua News Agency