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Call for industry to help clear the air in Launceston

Industries in Launceston are being urged to take part in a Federal Government program to improve Launceston's air quality.

The program will compensate companies for converting wood-fired burners to gas or electricity to reduce particle pollution.

The Federal Member for Bass, Michael Ferguson, says already he has received interest from several industrial companies willing to take part in the program.

He says industry has a responsibility to help improve Launceston's air quality, but it is important companies get assistance.

"To upgrade to a gas burner might cost something like $400,000 or $500,000 or $600,000 and in a case like that, under this scheme, an industry that is prepared to pay those costs would perhaps receive a subsidy of $100,000 or $200,000 depending on the benefit that the community would receive," he said.
