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Successful recycling program may help Hancock county

Last week we made a trip out of town to visit a recycling plant which has been successful since 1990. There is a very large, nice building where the recyclables are collected and packaged, ready to be sold to the various venders. The building is as clean and neat as a pin because it was planned with that idea in mind and it is kept that way because the building has a dual purpose - the city uses it for various functions, weddings, receptions, flea market sales, etc. From some of these functions, they collect a fee for the use of the building, heat, etc.

How is this done? The people bring the newspapers, cans, bottles, etc., and drive by an open window which has a large bin inside and they drop the recyclables in and drive off. This is done any time during the 24-hour period so it is convenient for everyone. Because this is run so efficiently, everyone in the county cooperates and is pleased that this effort keeps 20 tons of recyclables a month out of their landfill; a plus for the community, the people and the environment. Just another example of a community working together for the good of all.

We are in the process of getting the recycling program started in Hancock County and we hope everyone will participate. It will take a little time to get everything organized and functioning, so bear with us.
