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Recycling to help Georgia

Albany -- State Garbage experts are worried that Georgians have lost interest in recycling. They want Georgians to recycle more, to help the state's landfills.

Garbage dumps and landfills can be good for Georgia's economy, if people get serious about recycling. The state director of Environmental management said that Georgia industries could benefit from the cardboard, plastic, and newspapers that are filling up landfills, using them in manufacturing rather than paying to dispose of them.

 One of the best ways you can help, is to insist on buying recycled products. Keep Albany Dougherty Beautiful Director Judy Bowles said "The materials available, but we are not contentious enough to say I want recycled envelopes. I want Recycled paper for my tablet that I am writing."

Experts say many Georgians found recycling expensive and time consuming, and stopped.

A state study found that Georgia spends 90-million dollars to dispose of garbage, that could be recycled.

Georgia paper mills import materials that could be made from recycled household garbage.
