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New Homes Warned of Pollution

Investigations by the Guangdong Public Health Research Institute revealed that over 70 percent of newly decorated homes had levels of benzene pollutants that did not meet government standards, the Guangzhou Daily reported Wednesday.
The investigation picks kitchens, bathrooms and furniture as posing the highest pollutant risks. In a sample of 320 newly decorated karaoke bars, homes and offices, only 30.8 percent, 25.6 percent and 18.9 percent respectively met standards for benzene pollutant levels.
Levels of pollutants dropped if windows were opened, indicating that the pollutants were coming from inside.
In a separate study, conducted in 2003 by the Guangzhou branch of the National Indoor Environmental Monitoring Center, 96.3 percent of sampled Guangzhou homes were found to have exceeded standards for formaldehyde density levels. Another study found that 40 percent of floorboards had seriously high levels of radioactive pollutants.
Experts say that the young, elderly, pregnant and sick are the most vulnerable to these pollutants as their resistance is weaker. Formaldehyde exposure can lead to irritation, sore eyes, and bronchitis and in some cases weakness, loss of vision and heart problems. Benzene pollutants are carcinogenic and can lead to leukemia.
Experts say that the best way to avoid the problem is to carefully check the products being used for decorations, and include clauses in contracts that ensure decoration pollutant levels will meet standards. Particular care should be paid to kitchens and bathrooms, which tend to have a high density of materials that can emit pollutants.

Source: Shenzhen Daily