The Indonesian Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) has launched its Vision 2050 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
The launch, under the patronage of IBCSD President, Shinta W Kamdani,took place on November 7, 2012 during the ‘Business Solutions for Sustainable Indonesia Sustainability Forum’. Also present at this event were Coordinating Chairman of the Indonesia Climate Change Council, Rakhmat Witoelar; the Chairman of the Indonesia Chamber of Commerce (KADIN), Suryo Bambang Sulisto; the President of WBCSD, Peter Bakker; and the Chairman of IBCSD, Kusnan Rahmin.
More than 200 participants were in attendance at the event, including representatives of IBCSD member companies and non-member companies. In addition to launching Indonesia’s Vision 2050, this event was also intended to canvass the Indonesian business sector and to gain an idea of how Indonesian business has integrated the concept of sustainability in its operations. A secondary objective was to share lessons learned from the experience of global businesses that have been implementing sustainability activities in their operations, and to articulate what needs to be done if business and indeed the world are to become sustainable by 2050. This includes understanding the challenges, threats and opportunities, as well as the steps needed to implement sustainable development in practical business; explaining and discussing examples of the successful implementation of sustainable development within companies; and learning together how to apply strategies that have proven successful in some sectors to companies in other sectors.
During the event, WBCSD President, Peter Bakker, presented ‘Vision 2050 & Changing Pace’, a private-sector initiative that seeks to visualize and identify the challenges, threats and opportunities ahead on the road to 2050. Other speakers at this event included Eamon Ginley, Holcim Indonesia who made a presentation on 'Sustainable Business Solutions for Indonesia'; Gusmardi Bustami, Director General of International Trade Cooperation, Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of Indonesia, who talked about ‘The Changing paradigm towards a sustainable Indonesia’.
The IBCSD, in alliance with the Indonesia Chamber of Commerce, provides a professional platform for business leaders who are committed to supporting sustainable development in Indonesia. Combining advocacy and action, the IBCSD promotes business solutions to the challenges of the next decades, changing the paradigm of business through CEO leadership, responsibility and innovation. As a private sector, member-led organization, the IBCSD brings the voice of sustainable business to the development agenda, integrating global sustainability/CSR practices with the unique economic, social and environmental needs of a rapidly growing Indonesia.
Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) is one of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s (WBCSD) Regional Network partner organizations.
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