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CIGIPTS 2013 Preliminary& Organizing Committee Meeting held in Beijing
China International Green Innovative Products& Technologies Show (CIGIPTS) 2013 preparatory & organizing committee meeting was held in Ministry of Commerce on August 21st, 2013. Mr. Wangchao, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) and Mrs. Ma Xiuhong, President of China Foreign Trade Centre (CFTC), attended the meeting and delivered speeches. CBCSD also attend the meeting as co-organizer of the coming event.
At the conference, the organizing committee office played the promotional video of CIGIPTS 2013. Wang Zhiping, Director of Foreign Trade Center reported the progress of preparation work of CIGIPTS. Yu Ji, Executive Vice President of China Enterprise Confederation (CEC), reported the recent work of the CEC and introduced the Global Green Economy Forum to be held during the CIGIPTS. Xie Ji, Deputy Director General of Department of Resource Saving and Environmental Protection, NDRC, gave a brief summary of latest policies of national energy conservation and environmental protection, international trends and recent activities organized by NDRC. Wang Xu, Deputy Director General of Department of American & Oceania Affairs, MOC, gave an introduction of the Second South Pacific Forum.