On 28th, Nov., SASAC and WBCSD held “Role of State Owned Companies in China’s Sustainable Development” high level roundtable meeting. Mr. Li Rongrong, former director of SASAC, Mr. Yan Xiaofeng, deputy secretary general of SASAC, Mr. Peter Bakker, WBCSD President & CEO and leaders from 16 state owned companies and 4 relative industry associations presented in the meeting.
Mr. Li Rongrong addressed that, to implement the spirit of 3rd plenary session of 18thCPC Central Committee and promote sustainable development, state owned companies shall conduct their works from 3 aspects, namely, to develop mixed ownership company and stimulate sustainable energy of companies, to enhance environmental innovation and to implement social responsibility. Mr. Peter Bakker introduced WBCSD Vision 2050 and Action 2020, emphasized that effort from China business is key to world sustainability and expected more actions from state owned companies to China’s sustainable development.
- CBCSD and Members Participated and Suggested on the Project for Technical Regulation on Low-carbon Pilot Community
- CBCSD and Members Participated in the APEC Cooperation Network Construction Forum of Green Supply Chain
- Calculation Method of CO2 Emissions in Petroleum and Natural Gas Exploitation Enterprises & Calculation Method of CO2 Emissions in Water Network of Chemical Enterprises
- CBCSD Attended the Workshop for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development and Delivered Introductions
- WBCSD: Tackling the Challenge, How to Make Informed Choices on Forest Product?
- The National New-Type Urbanization Plan Released, Board Members of CBCSD Help the Sustainable Development of Cities
- Board members of CBCSD Actively Participated in the Carbon Trading and International Climate Change Process
- Two industrial Standards Compiled by CBCSD Passed Examination
- Widespread Use of the Achievements Businesses Energy Saving and Greenhouse Gas Management
- CBCSD held Chemical industry enterprise value chain (range 3) greenhouse gas emissions, accounting and reporting guidelines