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DSM will further upgrade its vitamin C facility in Jiangshan, China in summer 2019

DSM continues to invest in improving the performance of its vitamin C plant in Jiangshan, China, as part of its ongoing commitment to quality, safety, sustainability and production efficiencies. DSM will extend its annual shutdown to implement additional upgrades in these areas across the site.
This shutdown has started earlier this month, with the latest upgrades to be completed by start Q4 2019.

DSM assures security of supply of Vitamin C to its contracted customers, also during the shutdown.

Fully aligned with its Quality for Life™ principles, DSM continuously invests in meeting expectations of customers, governments and employees in terms of quality, reliability, traceability and sustainability. Vitamin C from Jiangshan, China, is already the lowest carbon footprint Vitamin C on the market, thanks to this continuous investment program.