Beijing, 23 September July 2020: The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has today released the translation of its SDG Essentials for Business site into Chinese.
This online learning platform, also available in English, Spanish, and Japanese, provides a simple but impactful tool to support businesses in raising awareness of the SDGs within their organizations.
By spending 10 – 15 minutes navigating this platform, users undergo a crash-course in the SDGs and their relevance to business, setting them up for enhanced engagement with this critical global agenda.
The platform provides users with a brief yet comprehensive overview of:
What the SDGs are
- Why they are so important
- The role that business has to play in realizing this transformative agenda
- The opportunities that business can harness along the way
- How individuals and the companies they work for can get involved
- The SDGs, and the pathway to prosperity for people and planet that they represent are, in many ways, more important than ever before. The Goals should be at the forefront of our thinking as we plan our long-term response and recovery from COVID-19; they provide us with a ready-made universal framework to help realize our collective ambition of building back better.
Business has a key role to play in advancing this agenda, however one important hurdle to overcome on the path to truly leveraging the private sector’s innovation and resources towards realizing the ambitions of the Goals, is raising awareness of the SDGs at the individual level within companies.
To support companies in overcoming this hurdle, the SDG Essentials for Business affords users with a concise and comprehensive overview of what the SDGs are and why they matter, business’ role in achieving them and the opportunities they will unlock but also the roles that individuals and companies alike can play.
For more information on WBCSD’s work on the SDGs visit some of our resources highlighted below – a number of them are available in various languages.
- CBCSD and Members Participated and Suggested on the Project for Technical Regulation on Low-carbon Pilot Community
- CBCSD and Members Participated in the APEC Cooperation Network Construction Forum of Green Supply Chain
- Calculation Method of CO2 Emissions in Petroleum and Natural Gas Exploitation Enterprises & Calculation Method of CO2 Emissions in Water Network of Chemical Enterprises
- CBCSD Attended the Workshop for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development and Delivered Introductions
- WBCSD: Tackling the Challenge, How to Make Informed Choices on Forest Product?
- The National New-Type Urbanization Plan Released, Board Members of CBCSD Help the Sustainable Development of Cities
- Board members of CBCSD Actively Participated in the Carbon Trading and International Climate Change Process
- Two industrial Standards Compiled by CBCSD Passed Examination
- Widespread Use of the Achievements Businesses Energy Saving and Greenhouse Gas Management
- CBCSD held Chemical industry enterprise value chain (range 3) greenhouse gas emissions, accounting and reporting guidelines