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Mr. Wang Jiming, President of CBCSD attended Sustainable Business Innovation Forum

The Sustainable Business Innovation Forum, co-hosted by Korean Business Council for Sustainable Development(KBCSD), Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea and UNDP and themed on “Catalyzing Sustainable Development through Private Sector Technology & Innovation” was held in Soul, Korea on October 25, 2019. Over 250 corporate executives from Korea’s leading enterprises, world first-class companies, ministerial government officials, and heads of UN and international organizations representing Korea and the world attended the event, exploring frontier technologies and innovative business models that will accelerate the transformative path towards sustainable and inclusive development.

Mr. Wang Jiming, President of CBCSD, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering attended the forum and delivered congratulatory remarks. Mr. Wang pointed out in his speech that businesses, as an important part of global economy, play a major role in promoting continuous and sound economic growth and achieving sustainable development goals. The Chinese enterprises are taking vigorous actions to promote sustainable transformation through innovation, with notable results continuously seen and innovation capability greatly enhanced. CBCSD and KBCSD will further strengthen cooperation, jointly implement UN 2030 SDGs, enhance communication, strive for win-win achievements for global businesses, and continuously contribute to the global sustainable development.

Dr. Jiang Weiming, Vice President of CBCSD, DSM China President, Corporate Senior Executive Vice President shared DSM’s sustainability innovation as well as good practices on public-private partnership.