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Dialogue on long-term cooperative action to address climate change by enhancing implementation of the Convention
WP 19: Schedule (121 kB)
Other working papers

WP. 20: Submission from the UK
English(569 kB), French(448 kB), Spanish(503 kB), Arabic(1032 kB), Mandarin(583 kB), German(367 kB), Portuguese(297 kB), Russian (786 kB)
WP 20/Add.1: Submission from the UK - Short Executive Summary
English(196 kB), French(205 kB), Spanish(201 kB), Arabic(169 kB), Russian(260 kB), Mandarin(245 kB), German(205 kB), Polish(245 kB), Portuguese(202 kB), Japanese(244 kB)
WP 21: Submission from Brazil (97 kB)
Recent developments on economics and investments relating to climate change:
Sir Nicholas Stern
Ms. Katherine Sierra
Advancing development goals in a sustainable way:
Mr. Gao Guangsheng
Mr. Leon Charles
Mr. Olav Kjorven
Mr. Youba Sokona
South Africa
Realizing the full potential of market-based opportunities
Ms. Claude Nahon
Ms. Mandy Rambharos
European Union
Presentations from other processes and initiatives
Mr. Elliot Diringer
Mr. Ned Helme
Nominations to attend the twenty-fifth sessions of the subsidiary bodies will allow participants to attend the Dialogue as well