Over 2000 Chinese Enterprises and Associations Released

Over 2000 Chinese enterprises and associations have released their social responsibility reports, according to the initial calculation estimation released from 6th China CSR Report International Seminar.


In mainland China, 1525 social responsibility reports (sustainability reports) have been released since Jan. 1st to Oct. 31st, 2013 Increased by 14.1% compared with the 1337 reports released in the same period of 2012. The increase is rather stable compared with the “Blowout” phenomenon in 2009 and 2012. The volume of initial reports have witnessed a year-by-year increase, increasing from 143 in 2010 to 347 in 2013, with an increase in proportion from 20.0% in 2010 to 28.0% in 2013.


According to the latest release of GoldenBee Research on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in China 2013, the 1525 CSR report released from the first 10 months in this year present 10 characteristics:


The amount of CSR report witnessed a steady increase, with the largest increase from private sectors. The quality if report enters to “developing period” from “beginning period”. The function of concentrated releasing platform continues to increase. The CSR report sees the highest quality in electricity, coal gas and water producing and supplying industries and the industry characteristics are more and more clear. National enterprises and leading enterprises hold a higher quality in their reports. Substantiality of the reports are enhanced while key performance data are still in shortage. Though the reports highlight the evaluation from stakeholders, the credibility is still decreasing for the 3 consecutive years for the insufficient release of negative information. Innovation has become a big challenge in strengthening the quality of reports and a “Forced” mechanism for CSR management is in initial process. Reports from non-enterprise organization are in the beginning stage. The reports are heading towards a more international level.