The SDG Processes

In September of this year, 2015, the world will agree upon a new global development framework. The Sustainable Development Goals (or SDGs) will succeed the Millennium Development Goals, forged in the year 2000. As agreed by the Open Working Group on the SDGs, the sustainable development goals will provide a holistic framework, applicable to all countries. Taken together, the goals will aim to eradicate poverty and deprivation, but also to grow our economies, to protect our environment and promote peace and good governance.

In July 2014, the Open Working Group concluded its deliberations, recommending 17 global sustainable development goals and 169 accompany targets. The goals were endorsed in the UN Secretary General’s synthesis report; The Road to Dignity By 2030.

The OWG’s recommendations were informed by a variety of inputs, including an unprecedented global public consultation, UN-led thematic consultations, and the report of the High Level Panel of Eminent Persons. The SDSN contributed actively to the work of OWG, via our flagship reports The Action Agenda and Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the SDG, by submitting briefs and evidence papers, and participating in OWG expert sessions and side events.

In 2015, Member States will commence a full intergovernmental negotiation. Over the course of 6 months they will review and conclude upon the sustainable development goals and targets, will establish a framework for monitoring and review of implementation, the means of implementation, and the nature of a new Global Partnership. The final outcome document from this negotiation will form the basis of an SDG Declaration, to be endorsed by Heads of State at a Summit in September 2015.