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Vice President (China) of Anglo American plc and Chief Representative of Anglo American’s Beijing office, Mr. Phillip Dobbs

Phillip Nigel Dobb

Phillip Dobbs is Vice President (China) of Anglo American plc and Chief Representative of Anglo American’s Beijing office.

He was born in England in 1952 and obtained a BA Honours and MA in Geology from Oxford University. After graduating in 1973, he joined De Beers Consolidated Mines as an Exploration Geologist and worked in Southern Africa. In 1985 he obtained an MBA Cum Laude from the University of the Witwatersrand and then moved to China as Chief Geologist of De Beers’ diamond exploration ventures in Shandong and Liaoning. In 1990 he moved to De Beers’ Diamond Trading Company in London and in 1992 to their rough diamond dealing office in Hong Kong as De Beers Representative for China. In 2002, he was transferred to Anglo American plc in his current position.