10-Year Anniversary Closes: Final Edition of BSCI Footprint

The 8th and final edition of the 2013 BSCI Footprint is now available online (please click here to download). As part of the celebration of the BSCI 10-year anniversary, this unique series of participant case studies focused on implementation of the individual goals of the BSCI Code of Conduct. In this last edition, a BSCI participant explains how they integrated the BSCI Code on Management Practices to inspire a producer to drive improvements in this key area. Management practices refers to the internal processes that a producer must put in place to coordinate BSCI requirements in the factory or farm environment. It can refer to policies in the area of social accountability or anti-corruption, for example. The job of each BSCI participant is to inspire their producers to be proactive in putting these management practices in place, by highlighting the concrete benefits to them in doing so and through regular follow-up and support. This can be a challenging requirement for participants and for producers, but offers rewarding results to those making the investment of their time and resources. In this edition, Dansk Supermarked, one of Denmark’s largest retailers, share some of the results of their work here.

To access previous editions of the BSCI Footprint, please use the following link