Surprise spike in new CDM projects

2011-6-22   Source: Carbonpositive


The rate of new Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project proposals in May was at its highest in more than three years, according to figures collected by the UNEP Risoe Centre. Its monitoring of the project pipeline finds 141 new CDM projects entered the pipeline last month. The Centre says these levels have only been exceeded four times, back in 2007-08. It suggests that emission-reduction project developers may be in a hurry to get projects fully registered before the end of 2012, the end of the first, and so far only, Kyoto Protocol commitment period which enables the CDM market.


There were 19 million CERs issued in May, continuing high rates of issuance with projections for the number of CERs issued until the end of 2012 now standing at 1.08 billion CERs. The total amount of CERs now issued is now 624 million. The average issuance success is 95.6 per cent.


UNEP Risoe says the CDM Pipeline now contains 6,292 CDM projects while the number wide-scale Programmes of Activity (PoAs) has reached 92, 22 per cent of which are in Africa. In May, 6 new Joint Implementation (JI) projects were submitted, five in Russia and one in Poland. The JI Pipeline now contains 437 projects. A total of 36.4 million ERUs have been issued for 134 projects (28.3 million in track 1 and 8.6 million in track 2). The total issuance in April was 500,000 ERUs.