The Impacts Brought by GRI G4 to Chinese Corporations

The Sustainability Reporting Guidelines -- GRI G4 was unveiled before an audience of 1,600 thought leaders and practitioners from around the globe at GRI’s 2013 Global Conference. What impacts will bring by this new guide to Chinese corporations?

Last year, over 1700 Chinese organizations released their CSR reports according to a SynTao’s research. However, many of these reports are only disclose the information which the corporations already have, but without a clear CSR strategy and relevant management approach which are the key changes be emphasised in GRI G4.

Faced with these challenges, it is necessary for Chinese corporations to put the corporate sustainability on the strategic and management level, and improving their management of critical issues with aspects of policies , management approaches, initiatives and performance evaluation. Chinese corporations have to concern more on what stakeholders really concern at, such as the supply chain impacts and corporate governance.